Do Your Employees Have a “Vested Interest” in Your Workplace?

When we talk about uniforms for businesses in Perth, one of the more overlooked pieces of corporate clothing is the vest. Vests can be worn in a number of situations, and are a surprisingly versatile addition to any work uniform.
Vests make great partial jackets for outside employees who need some protection from the elements, but need their arms free, or cannot wear long sleeves when working with heavy machinery. They are also nice for applications such as a marina or a cruise ship, where they often provide just the right amount of protection from the elements.
For indoor employees, a vest lends a touch of class and professionalism to any uniform, especially a black vest over a white shirt, as seen in many businesses such as restaurants and retail outlets. It is no accident that a vest is a part of a standard suit or tuxedo.
Vests seem to have an intangible quality that just makes the people wearing them look better. There is no scientific reason behind this, but if you put a vest on one employee, and the rest were wearing shirts, customers would gravitate to the employee wearing the vest, and assume that they were in a position of authority.
Currently, we carry 13 different varieties of vests. One is for kids only, four are for women only, four are for men only, and the remaining four are unisex. Sizes range from 42-49 and XS-5XL. All vests can be embroidered and some can be screen printed on the right hand chest or left hand chest.
Our vests come in various colours; for most restaurants or retail applications, black or navy blue are the recommended colours. Our vests are available in fleece, polyester fleece, standard polyester, and more rugged materials for outdoors.
A vest can be counted on to provide a touch of class to the appearance of your employees in particular and your workplace in general. For some reason, the general public seems to perceive a vest as a sign of neatness, and they will also perceive your workplace as neater when your employees are wearing vests.
Are vests for everybody? Call 08 9248 6300 today to find out.